In English

Welcome to the website of The Association of Students in Environmental Sciences — MYY ry. This page contains information about the association and the membership. Here you can also find some forms (e.g. feedback forms).
The Association of Students in Environmental Sciences — MYY ry is a student association for environmental students at the University of Helsinki established in 1961. We arrange different kinds of events during the whole year. Such as an excursion every autumn, pre-christmas in Karkkila and a home made wine competition every spring. We also function as an interest group for students standing up for our students' rights at the university and in the working life. For the most part our members study environmental sciences, but we also warmly welcome all the other students of the University of Helsinki.
If there is any information that you can't find on our web page, don't hesitate to contact our board
The board and other officers
The board of MYY ry consist of 12 members who coordinate the association. The board is elected every autumn at the annual meeting where every ordinary member of the association has a right to vote and present oneself as a candidate for a specific role on the board. The board is elected for one calendar year at a time. In addition to the board MYY ry has plenty of other officers who have their own responsibilities in the function of the association.
Several clubs operate under MYY ry. These clubs organize all sorts of meetings and events for students. Each club has either one person or more in charge of organizing these events and informing people about upcoming events. In operation in 2023 are Sports club, Handcraft club, Fishing club Vimmat, Movie and culture club, Birdwatching club, Nature trip club, Music club and Veggiefood club. Follow our social media to keep updated about upcoming events organized by our clubs.
Who can become a member of MYY ry?
Anyone can join our association. However, the members are divided into four groups: ordinary members, associate members, supporting member and honorary member. The board or general meeting admits the new members.
Ordinary member is a person who studies environmental science as one’s main or secondary subject. The ordinary member has a right to
- speak and vote at the meetings of the association
- speak at the meetings of the board
- stand for a position/member of the board/ officials
Associate members, supporting members and honorary members don't have to study at the University of Helsinki, but they don't all the same rights as ordinary members.
How to join?
Join as an ordinary member by filling in the form here. (There are also instructions on how to pay the membership.)
If you want to join as an associate member or supporting member, please contact the board by email ( and pay the membership fee.
How much does the membership fee cost and what does the fee include?
The entrance fee is 10 euros and is paid only once. The membership fee is paid annually (starting in 2024). The ordinary members don't have to pay the membership fee for the first seven (7) years.
The fee includes:
- Overalls badge
- The right to wear our overalls
- Precedence to some of our events, for example excursions
- Lowered prices for the chargeable events and for our songbook
What are the fees used for?
With the membership fees, we organise and guarantee that our members have all kinds of events and activities!
Give feedback on our events here.
Give feedback on our website here.
Contact our equality respondents here or by e-mail ( or
The expenses compensation form etc. you can find in Finninsh here. If you need these forms in English please contact our treasurer (